Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hair growth with Cayenne pepper!!

My story...

Dealing with my natural hair is one thing I don't look forward to. I mean the breakage and slow growth just get me all fed up. Worst is that it's embarrassing to Carry my natural hair in public cause of lack volume n length. I must confess till I started researching about black hair growth I nearly gave up n was so close to shaving everything off.
Well thank God for internet and a little patience, I've found out the cause to my problems and to to amend it. I came across a couple of hair treat meant and so far am still experimenting.
Today am sharing the cayenne pepper and olive hot oil treatment that I've been using for the past 2 weeks. The mixture is very easy and simple. First off a question I know many of you are wondering:

 Why is Cayenne Pepper good for hair growth?

Cayenne Pepper works by irritating the scalp. This irritation causes an increase of blood flow to your head, wich is good for hair growth.

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 to 1 deciliter olive oil or any oil choice of yours
Olive oil
Cayenne Pepper

Mix both in a Bowl and warm lightly and apply to wet hair. Wrap with plastic foil and let heat for about 20min, then rinse it the mixture.
This has personal help me with my edges and overall thickness. So far so good, test and see for yourself.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Maxi mood!! Looks n locks

Wow talk about usage...I finally got started with blogging but never knew how much work it is. Yeah I know it's suppose to come from inspiration and so but for a person like me with so much going its almost impossible to take a break n create.
Anyways today me n my friend took some really cool pics on our way to see her parents. I was so loving my maxi-dress with a nice green jacket to pull the look. Everything I wore is basic n nothing out of the ordinary, just to show that you don't that much to look good.
Dress was bought in USA, jacket from H&M, bag from Aliexpress and jewelry's from glitter. My hair style from yesterday, a high bond done with my old weave.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Look of the day!!!

So I decided today am gonna fix up and post pictures on my outfit. Great thing is that it's warm outside and am just loving it.
I did a quick high bond with some old weave I took off about two weeks ago. I put the whole thing together with bobby pins and I love the finish work.
Anyways am off for a day in town with my bestie Babyjet. Hope u guys have a great day.

PS. If u like my high bond pls comment and I will put up details on how it's done. ;)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Why blog??

Ok now that I've got things started I feel the urge to let you guys on what really drove me into blogging. Am a reserve person and when it comes to social networking am not good at keeping up. I just didn't think I was that interesting.
Finally I found my self falling for a new hobby in hair care and fashion. Ok every woman no matter the age is some how obsess with how they look and the hair. Oh yes the hair, I must say as a black woman dealing with my hair is is a full time job. Regarding to this I start searching the web for solutions to some of the problems I face on daily basis concerning my hair.
Fashion on the other hand have been something am interested in but more like finding my own personal style. Through the years as I transit from my teens to becoming the young woman I am today I see a change in how I dress. This has lead me in to search for a fashion that suits my taste.
With this been said my blog will be featuring on everything from my personal life to tips on hair care and fashion. I am not perfect and my tips ain't for all but it's worth a try.

See u on my next post

It's a start

Well here I am with a blogg, who would have ever thought I would go such lengths ;). As I always say it's never a bad thing to start something new. I for one is always on new adventures to learn new things and educate my self. I see change as a way of learning without thinking about it.
Any ohh am here and crazy old me is ready for the task. Now let me just say this, am new to this blogging thing and so guys bare with me till I wrap my finger on this one.
